Saturday, May 7, 2011

Black Mom Quotes #4

"I watched a lot of Lifetime that one week when I was off, I can plot my death. No wonder people get addicted to Lifetime they don't give you a real commercial break between movies."

" I know I shouldn't be talking about your daddy like that but he is ugly and he's got a fat ass stomach now."

"Hell no you can't be my friend if I'm from America and you're from Israel. I know you're smart enough to hack my stuff and blame it on me and then I get arrested for some crime."

"Muslims, those are the ones who be selling those bean pies on the corner. Black muslims, you know thats a lie Black people selling bean pies the most you should have is a potato pies or something. Thats like me saying I'm a Jew, isn't that a little weird. Show me a black person with one of those black hats! That's right because you can't!"

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